Devdutt Sharma, Meenkashi Sharma, Ram Babu Sharma, Bhoopendra Patel, Kapil Gupta, Jitendra Gupta


Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a major health concern, that if left untreated may predispose to various complications. Most common form of complication in diabetes is the polyneuropathy, a leading cause for disability. Several studies have tried to explore the deranged nerve conduction in diabetic patients but the role of nerve conduction studies in diabetics without symptomatic peripheral neuropathy in improving the disease outcome needs further elucidation. The present study was conducted in the Department of Physiology, S.M.S. Medical College, Jaipur, on thirty-five non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus patients with disease duration of > 5 to ≤ 10 years, aged 30-50 years, without symptomatic peripheral neuropathy. An equal no. of age and gender matched healthy subjects were recruited as controls. Sensory nerve conduction study of right median nerve was done to assess latency, amplitude, duration, area and nerve conduction velocity. The mean glycosylated hemoglobin level of cases was significantly higher than that of the control. The comparison of mean latency, duration, amplitude and area of right median nerve among case and control group did not differ significantly. The sensory nerve conduction velocity was significantly lower in cases as compared to controls, suggestive of underlying peripheral neuropathy. The decrease in sensory nerve conduction velocity in patients of non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus without peripheral neuropathy puts the diabetic patients at a higher risk for generalized polyneuropathy and warrants early nerve conduction assessment to improve the disease outcome.



Diabetes mellitus, sensory nerve, latency, conduction velocity and peripheral neuropathy.

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