Shaheen Akhtar Khan


OBJECTIVES : To assess the side effects of smart phone usage among children studying in selected school of District Ghaziabad,  to assess the knowledge of the students regarding side effects of smart phone usage, to provide STP on side effects of smart phone usage among children (10-15years), to find out the effectiveness of STP regarding  side effects of smart phone usage among children (10-15years).

METHOD: The research design of this study is ‘one group pretest post test’ research design. 60 children between 10-15yrs of age were selected through stratified random sampling technique. The study was conducted at selected school of district Ghaziabad. Structured questionnaires were used for data collection.

RESULT: Collected data was analyzed by using inferential statistics. It was found that majority of children have moderate knowledge regarding side effects of smart phone usage. As regards the presence of side effects, psychological problems, due to smart phone usage, were highest among children followed by physical problems. Majority of children were having moderate side effects related to smart phone usage. The structured teaching program was proved effective after its implementation. The study revealed that there were no association between knowledge of children and socio- demographic variables.


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