Dr. M. Chitti Babu, Dr. R. Veeraiah, Dr. SBG. Praveen Kumar Reddy, Dr. B. Madhu Naik


BACKGROUND:   Adhesive intestinal obstruction is defined as a obstruction in forward propulsion of the contents of the intestine due to adhesions formed previous surgery/ trauma / inflammation, intestinal obstruction is one of most common surgical emergencies which should be diagnosed urgently and promptly treated to prevent the complications. Success in treatment of patients with adhesive intestinal obstruction largely depends on fluid resuscitation sand early diagnosis, skillful operative management proper surgical technique and intensive postoperative management. Out of 148 cases admitted in GGH, Kurnool, 68 cases (46%) are due to adhesions leading to intestinal obstruction. Majority of patients with adhesive intestinal obstruction were presented with in 5 years of previous surgery , 30 – 40 years age group (18%) ,pain abdomen (100%) as common symptom , high cases with previous history of laparotomy for peritonitis (51%) with male predominance of 55% cases. In my study septicemia was the most common cause of the death. Fast surgery, less tissue handling and appropriate antibiotic needed to prevent future adhesions.

AIM: To completely evaluate the Adhesive Intestinal obstruction cases in Tertiary care center, Kurnool.

OBJECTIVE: To study the clinical presentations of various causes leading to Adhesive intestinal obstruction. To study the lines of management of various causes leading to Adhesive intestinal obstruction. To  study  morbidity  and  mortality  of  Adhseive  intestinal obstruction cases admitted in tertiary care hospital Kurnool.


Intestinal obstruction, Adhesiolysis, Peritonitis, Laparotomy incision.

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