Dr. Prerak Modi, Dr. Shafika Mansuri


Objective: To study outcome of pregnancy in patients with low Vitamin B12 levels in 1st trimester of pregnancy.

Methods: A Prospective observational study was conducted over 2 year period between July 2016-2018 in Dept of OBGY, Civil Hospital, Ahmedabad.Total 100 antenatal patients (1st trimester) were randomly selected from routine OPD & IPD  and were prospectively studied throughout pregnancy.

Results: Out of 100 cases,57% patients had normal B12 levels while 43% patients were B12 deficient.Out of 56 patients with veg diet, 62.5% patients were B12 deficient, while amongst 44 nonveg patients, only 18.2% patients were B12 deficient. Out of 43 patients with decreased B12 Levels, 83.72% were Hindus, 10.87% were Muslims and 4.65% were Christians. Out of 43 patients with B12 Deficiency, 30 had live birth, 6  had preterm labour, 5 had history of recurrent abortion and 2 patients had delivery after 20 weeks but before viability. Out of 43 patients, 6  had PTL, 17 had LBW newborn babies, 15  had IUGR fetuses and 10 patients had fetuses with NTDs.

Conclusion: Vitamin B12 is an essential nutrient required for normal erythropoiesis, nucleoprotein and myelin synthesis, fattyacid degradation, cell reproduction and normal growth. Majority B12 deficient patients are vegeterians and Hindu.B12 Deficiency is associated with complications such as RPL,ERA,VERA,IUGR, LBW and NTDs. So B12 rich diet, B12 Fortified Foods and B12 Supplementation should be provided in ANC period(1st trimester), to avoid such untoward fetal complications.


Vitamin B12,Cyanocobalamin,erythropoiesis,embryogenesis and fetal development,NTDs.

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