Sowmya Kommu, Swarooparani karumuri


Aims and Objectives: The aim of the study is to determine the cause of Oligohydramnios and its effect on the outcome of
pregnancy and neonate.
A detailed analysis of 100 cases during the period of 15 months from July 2018to September 2019 was undertaken at Government General
Hospital, Guntur, to evaluate the
1. Etiology
2. Gestational age at which Oligohydramnios is diagnosed.
3. Mode of delivery
4. Outcome of pregnancy – Maternal &Fetal as per the severity and etiology.
Materials and Methods: Material for the study comprised patients with oligohydramnios during the period July, 2018 to september 2019 being
diagnosed after 28th weeks of gestation. It is a prospective study. Patients admitted both an emergency basis, booked and unbooked and referral
cases who were willing to co-operate were chosen.
Observation and Results: Total 100 cases of oligohydramnios were followed up and studied in Government General hospital Guntur.
The mean maternal age was 21 years with a maximum incidence of 82% found in the group of 20-25 years.
Primigravidae were more affected 56% when compared to multigravidae.
50% of women had no antenatal care.
44% of women had gestational age between 38-40 weeks.
20% had abnormal presentation i.e. breech.
2% - Trasverse lie.
Pregnancy induced hypertension was encountered in 32% of cases of which 20% had
Severe preeclampsia
Intrauterine growth restriction was seen in 34% of cases.
40% were preterm babies.
Patients with severe oligohydramnios, with low Bishops score and other associated complications like preeclampsia, IUGR, Low Biophysical
Prole and abnormal Doppler velocimetry were decided for abdominal delivery.
A staggering 84% of patients were taken up for caesarean section.
The incidence of perinatal mortality was 18% .68% of neonates required admission into neonatal intensive care unit. In our study it was found
that neonatal mortality and morbidity increased in < 34 wks gestational age group because of associated intrauterine growth restriction, preterm,
LBW and Preeclampsia in the mother.
Conclusion: This study was under taken to evaluate the causes of oligohydramnios and its effect on perinatal outcome. Preeclampsia,IUGR
were the major etiological causes of oligohydramnios and oligohydramnios associated with unfavorable maternal and fetal conditions leads to
much worse perinatal outcome. This is more often in those with oligohydramnios diagnosed before 34 wks of gestation. Isolated
oligohydramnios is not associated with adverse perinatal outcome.


Oligohydramnios, preeclampsia, IUGR, LBW, perinatal mortality, amniotic uid volume.

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