Dr Sonal Jain


Between dorsal carpal ligament and carpal bones six compartments are formed for passage of tendons. The presence of
accessory muscle and tendons in hand is of great interest to hand surgeons. These extra muscles often present as ganglion,
soft tissue tumor or mass in hand, which could be quite misleading to surgeon.
Variations were observed during routine dissection of cadavers.
RESULTS: Variations were observed in extensor tendons present in dorsal of hand in 3 cases out of 14 hands. In one case extensor indices was
absent and in another 2 cases, presence of additional tendon to ring nger was present.
CONCLUSION: The extensor tendons of hand are in supercial position; consequently, they are highly susceptible to injury. These variations are
important during tendon transplant, for tendon rerouting or transplants.


extensor digitorum, hand, variations

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