Dr. P. Lalitha, Dr. P. Sruthi Sipra, Dr. B. Sarat Chandra


BACKGROUND: Thyroid hormones are very important for the normal functioning of the heart. This study aims at
studying the cardiovascular consequences in hypothyroid patients by electrocardiography, lipid prole, and
METHODS: This is a cross-sectional study conducted on 100 cases of hypothyroidism with a structured questionnaire to collect information
from subjects regarding history, clinical examination, and investigations. ECG, 2D ECHO, and lipid prole were done to nd the cardiac changes
and diastolic dysfunction.
RESULTS: Out of the 100 cases, 82 had overt hypothyroidism, and 18 had subclinical hypothyroidism. Females constituted 80%, and the
majority of them were in the age group > 50 years (34%). Commonest symptom on presentation was Dyspnea (65%). Dyslipidemia is seen in 34
patients. On ECG, 38% had Bradycardia, 24% had abnormal LVC, 9% had ST-T changes, 10% had long QT, 4% had RBBB. On Echo, 21% had
pericardial effusion, 5% had LV Hypokinesia, and among subjects with Overt Hypothyroidism, 45% had diastolic dysfunction and 10% among
those with Sub Clinical Hypothyroidism.
CONCLUSION: The study concludes that there is a signicant association of hypothyroidism with diastolic dysfunction and pericardial
effusion, particularly in the overt hypothyroidism group.


overt and subclinical hypothyroidism, bradycardia, pericardial effusion , diastolic dysfunction, dyslipidemia

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