Anemia is dened as a state in which the blood hemoglobin is below the normal range for the patient's age and sex. Around
30% of the world's population may be affected sometime. The most common cause worldwide is iron deciency and it is
estimated that half a billion people are affected by it. Iron scarcity progresses from reduction of iron stores (mild iron deciency) to iron-deciency
erythropoiesis (erythrocyte production) and nally into iron deciency Anaemia (IDA). Iron deciency anaemia not often causes death, but the
impact on human health is considerable. In this paper the cause and symptoms of Iron Deciency anaemia and its homeopathic treatment is
discussed in detailed.
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Harrison’s Principal of Internal Medicines 17th Edison.
Davidson’s Principal & practice of Medicines.
J.T. KENT REPERTORY Of Homoeopathic M.M.
Dr. S. K. Dubey, Text Book Of Material Medica.
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