Dr. Jyothi Vybhavi V. S., Dr. Shivakumar Veeraiah


The older population is at a high risk of Vitamin-D deciency due to decreased cutaneous synthesis and dietary intake of
Vitamin-D. In recent years, emerging evidence has linked Vitamin-D not only to its known effects on calcium and bone
metabolism, but also to neurocognitive functions. Aging is a natural process and preserving intact cognition plays a very important role in healthy
aging. Hence there is a need to evaluate whether Vitamin-D deciency affects memory in the elderly. The objectives of this study is to assess
Serum 25(OH) Vitamin-D in the elderly, and to assess Cognitive functions in the elderly with different levels of Vitamin-D. This study involved
80 healthy elderly subjects with consideration of inclusion and exclusion criteria. Written informed consent was taken. For each subject, fasting
blood sample of 4ml was collected for Serum 25(OH) Vitamin-D assessment. Anthropometric measurements were taken. 24-hour dietary recall,
General history questionnaire and Spreen & Stauss Neuropsychology battery of tests were administered. Results were compiled and statistically
analyzed. The results show that Elderly with Vitamin-D deciency had statistically signicant low scores in all parameters (P < 0.05), especially
with executive function & processing speed. It can be concluded that Low 25(OH)D levels were associated with worse global cognitive function
and greater decline in psychomotor speed and executive function.


Vitamin-d, Cognition, Memory

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