Anand Rajendra Gavasane, Ram Balkrishna Deoskar, Dr. Medha Deepak Bargaje, Anita Tulsiram Anokar


Introduction: Asthma is a common non-communicable disease. It is not curable but controllable disease. Goal of our
study was to nd asthma control in using ACT scores and to determine its relationship with lung function parameters.
Aims: To compare results of Asthma control test with spirometry in the assessment of patients with asthma
Study Design: Study was a cross-sectional analytical study done in diagnosed cases of bronchial asthma coming to Respiratory Medicine
Department of a tertiary care hospital. Study was conducted over a period of 18 months and total 100 cases were included in the study.
Methods and Material: Patients were rst provided with AaCT questionnaire. Then, spirometry was performed using portable spirometer.
Results of both were compared.
Results: In our study, 68% subjects had well controlled asthma while 32% subjects had uncontrolled asthma as per Asthma control test. Based on
spirometric analysis (FEV1), 57% had well controlled while 43% had uncontrolled asthma. The correlation between the Asthma Control Test and
FEV1 was not signicant.
Conclusions: The present study showed that asthma is poorly controlled among 32% of the study subjects. ACT provides simple tool to assess
asthma control but correlates poorly lung function parameters. Hence both need to be monitored by clinicians assessing asthma control in clinical


Asthma control, Asthma control test, FEV1, Spirometry

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