Riddhi Hemant Shetye, Dr. Sandeep Babasaheb Shinde, Sonali Tukaram Kadam


Background: Working at night leads to various health problems. Shift workers mostly working in night shifts usually have shorter period of sleep which can lead to various complications depriving the quality of life of these persons. There are many risk factors such as anxiety, obesity, diabetes. Some evidences say that there are acute changes in blood pressure in subjects mostly having shorter period of sleep so  there is need to find out the modified risk factors of hypertension in night shift workers. So this study was intended to out the prevalence of risk factors of blood pressure in night shift workers


Objectives: Objectives of the study were to find out and determine the prevalence of modifiable risk factors of hypertension in night shift workers.


 Methods: This was an       observational study with 100 subjects as a sample. subjects were selected as per inclusion and exclusion criteria. Inclusion criteria included male subjects working for five years or more in night shift in between age group 25-35 years. Subjects having an   known history of hypertension, diabetes mellitus and   habit of tobacco chewing        were excluded from study. Later Questionnaire of hypertension group were distributed and survey was conducted among the subjects. Statistical analysis was done and results were interpreted.


Results: Statistical analysis of Questionnaire of Hypertension Group stated that        there is higher risk of hypertension due to modifiable risk factors in subjects working in night shifts.


Conclusion: The study concluded that there are high chances of risk factor of hypertension in night shift workers.



Hypertension, night shift workers, modifiable risk for hypertension

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