Kavita Nanda, Anupam Nanda, Vishal Kalia


INTRODUCTION:- This quantitative MRI study done on 100 healthy adult individuals  between 20-60 years of age reports measurement of different dimensions of corpus callosum  and  any changes in the dimensions with ageing.

METHODS: MRI of  corpus callosum  of adult healthy individuals aged between 20-60 years were done and  morphometric measurements of different  parameters i.e. length, width, height  and  subregions of corpus callosum were noted and compared.

RESULTS: In our study it was found that-

  1.  Thickness of splenium, thickness of posterior part of corpus callosum & shortest distance from posterior most point of corpus callosum to cortical surface (P-S) increased with age.
  2. Length of corpus callosum, length of corpus callosum/length of brain increased upto 39 years and thereafter declined.
  3. Height of corpus callosum, thickness of body at mid-point, maximum thickness of the body and minimum thickness started to decrease after 50 years.


CONCLUSION: The results of this study indicate that ageing effects are more pronounced  in genu and anterior part of corpus callosum


Corpus callosum, MRI, Normal Ageing

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