A. S. Dongarwar, N. H. Indurwade, T. P. Nimbekar, Pallavi Sonwane, Shubham Selokar


Cassia angustifolia vahl. (Leguminosae), commonly known as ' Senna' or "sonamukhi"is employed in
various indigenous system of medicine against several disease and almost every part of the plant has
diverse medicinal properties. The bark and stem are used as an anti-inammatory and antipyretics and treat skin diseases and
abdominal troubles. According to the Ayurveda it has a property of reducing " kapha" and "vatta" .The current communication
provide a detailed account of pharmacognostical investigation carried out on the bark of Cassia angustifolia. The study includes
macro and microscopical details physiochemical studies orescence study of the bark powder, TLC and HPTLC ngerprint. The
study reveal that bark of samples procured from the different places have similar morphological and physiochemical values.
These observations are supported by TLC prole.


Cassia Angustifolia, Pharmacognostical Investigation, Ayurveda, Physiochemical Values.

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